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2 jobs found
Upperline Health
Orange, CA
Upperline Health launched in 2017 and is one of the nation’s leading comprehensive and coordinated lower extremity healthcare organizations. Upperline Health provides the highest quality integrated...
about 2 years ago
Keystone Industrial Medicine
San Bernardino , CA
Full-Time, Part-Time, Per Diem, Temporary
$15 - $17.83 per hour
We are an Occupational Medicine Clinic but are also starting with IEHP Urgent Care soon.   We interested in a scribe that would be at the clinic 9-6pm M-F.   Spanish speaking is preferred.   MA lic...
about 2 years ago

RP GTN Application (中文)

Pittsburgh, PA
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Welcome to the RP Global Training Network!     
欢迎来到 RP 全球培训网络!

Our Mission: To disciple nations by equipping church planters and officers in Reformed Presbyterian churches in national RP Seminaries (Training Centers).
通过各国的RP神学院 (培训中心) 装备RP教会的植堂者和长老,使万国成为主的门徒。

Our Motto:
We are united, following Jesus, training faithful men, planting Reformed Presbyterian churches, all to the praise of Jesus!

Our Methodology:        Head: Renew the Mind - Knowledge which leads to wisdom.   
 我们的教学理念:        头: 更新思想意念 — 学习知识并得着智慧。
                                                  Heart: Form Godly Character - Abiding in Jesus and bearing fruit.  
                                                   心: 培养敬虔品格 — 住在耶稣里并多结果子。

                                                   Hands: Equip for Service - Equipping for works of service.
                                                   手: 操练服侍技能 — 装备圣徒各尽其职。
over 1 year ago